Establishment Guide

Posted: 4月 2, 2021Updated: 4月 6, 2021

IT Innovation and Strategy Center Okinawa

IT Innovation and Strategy Center Okinawa

Nurturing people and business through the power of IT and generating new value.
Contributing to the growth of Okinawan industries overall and the enhancement of international competitiveness

  • Propose growth strategies for promoting IT-related industries in Okinawa and Okinawan industries overall through the utilization of cutting-edge IT technology.
  • Realize the creation of new value and problem-solving within Okinawa's industrial world as an innovation base in Okinawa through the implementation of growth strategies.
  • As a natural industry support organization, connect the Okinawan industrial world and the IT industry to formulate innovation platforms that enable co-existence and co-prosperity among various players.
  • As a base that brings together people and information from around Japan and the world, aim to be an "IT innovation island" that generates new businesses and social systems.

What Can Be Done with ISCO

Proposing Strategy

We formulate IT-based strategies and innovation strategies for local government
(prefectural, municipal, etc.) and organizations.

Testing Concepts (Okinawa, an island for Field Testing Projects)

We aim to make Okinawa "an island for Field Testing Projects" by conducting numerous trials aimed at introducing advanced innovation to Okinawa.

Cultivating Businesses

We assist in the creation of new businesses and services that will help solve social issues.

Engaging Startups

We assist in the creation of start-up businesses from Okinawa and in integrating start-up businesses with a strong affinity to Okinawa.

Developing Training Programs (Events)

We host events related to IT innovations and help to create opportunities for career development.

Developing Training Programs (IT-related Personnel)

We assist in the training of high-level /advanced IT personnel such as data scientists, and other IT-related personnel.

Supporting Companies

ISCO was established through a public-private joint investment as an organization that contributes to society through the IT innovation in 2018.
Okinawa Prefecture, Naha City, the three major domestic carriers, local telecom companies, national vendors, energy, finance, and many other organizations support ISCO.

Field Okinawa Local Mainland Japan
Local governments,
Public organizations
Okinawa Prefecture, Naha
City, IIA(Information Industry
Association of Okinawa)
Mobile carrier Okinawa Cellular SoftBank. NTT docomo
Energy The Okinawa Electric Power
Finance Bank of The Ryukyus
The Bank of Okinawa

Cooperation with overseas organizations

ISCO will work with various organizations outside of the prefecture and overseas to introduce and create IT solutions to solve issues facing Okinawa.

Examples of collaboration with organizations signed MOUs

  • Inviting to the Startup Festa hosted by ISCO
  • Participating in various events such as Startup Pitches organized by MOU partners
  • Cooperating in company matching
  • Conducting seminars abroad

Okinawa Venture Friendly Declaration

With the aim of making Okinawa a leading location for creative innovation, ISCO serves as the secretariat for the "Okinawa Venture Friendly Declaration", which was announced by 39 large companies and organizations. This will create an environment that facilitates collaboration and cooperation between start-ups and large companies and promote utilizing cutting-edge technologies and services.


IT Innovation and Strategy Center Okinawa (ISCO) Naha Business Incubation Office 4F, 2-3-6 Mekaru, Naha City, Okinawa 900-0004